Versatile CLI

Create apps faster.

Create apps on-demand, and deploy Docker images with ease.

Websites route back to applications via path-based-routing.

Connect apps to Github and release on new commits.

Pipeline apps together and promote images to production.

Better, Faster, Stronger

Future proof and performant.

Up to 16GB Memory Dynos
With HTTP2 39% lower resp. times
Up to 1M/S log streams

Akkeris takes platforms to a new level of capabilities and performance. With built-in support for Istio, service mesh and HTTP2 it's fast and the future. Stream gigabytes of logs to Papertrail or any central logging provider.

Extendable and Expandable

Plugins, Addons, Webhooks and more.

Akkeris integrates with a variety of systems to keep you in your workflow. Expand its capabilities through plugins, a powerful way to add new commands to the CLI.

$ aka plugins
:: pg
  Id: 8f2bd0cf-cdbe-4f92-a59f-57416f6de69b
  Description: A postgresql plugin to help manage Akkeris databases

:: memcached
  Id: 6f38fd0f-561c-47cb-9314-f134050c8720
  Description: Memcached CLI plugin to flush cache and get stats
Full Control

Promote, Scale, Resize, Restart

Build once and promote to multiple regions, with thousands of servers. Instantly scale from 1 to 1,000 servers. Adjust your memory and CPU needs with a click of a button.